Who We Help
The WealthMore difference – the people we do our best work with:
Does this sound like you?
“I have a $50,000 tax bill and I would like to ways to minimize it.
“I just leave the money in the business. If I take it out, I will have to pay taxes on it.”
“I hate knowing that I will lose ½ of my RRSP to the government when I retire.”
The most suitable candidates for the WealthMore strategy will be one of the following:
A entrepreneur, business owner, or self-employed professional who is in an upper tax bracket, and is interested in employing more effective tax strategies
Entrepreneur, self-employed professional, or high-income executive who wants to put away large sums of money for retirement, insurance, charitable giving, or estate planning purposes
A person in the highest marginal tax bracket who can set aside $1,000/month or a $25,000 lump-sum into a long-term saving strategy
“But, I Already Have an Accountant”
You already have a chartered account and you think to yourself: “Why do I need someone else?”. We couldn’t put it better than David M. Voth who said in his book, “The 10 Secrets Revenue Canada Doesn’t Want You to Know” when he said, “…You see their job is to record history. To tell you what you did in the past. They do an excellent job of that…” We won’t prepare your tax return or provide accounting/tax advice. That is your accountant’s role. Our role is to be a catalyst – to bring up new possible ideas that are not part of their main area of expertise.
“But, I Already Have a Tax Lawyer”
You already have a tax lawyer whose role it is to provide you with the legal side of estate planning, such as estate freezes and trusts. We work together with your tax lawyer to implement these and other estate strategies. We provide the tax-efficient strategies to make these goals a reality, as well as to provide alternative strategies that may better suit your needs.
“But, I Already Have a Financial Advisor”
You already have a financial, investment, or insurance advisor and are wondering why you would need another advisor, and the answer is simple – each one adds substantial value, and so would we. Are you doing the best you could be doing? Talk to us and find out if you are. It never hurts to have a second opinion.